Monday, January 28, 2019

Up, up, and away!

A topic I've been noodling for a while, has been scratch building a set of YMC-130s. Whats a YMC-130? Glad you asked. Its a crazy one off design of the venerable C-130, made to land in a soccer (football for my European readers) stadium in Tehran. They were the lynch pin of Operation Credible Sport. Two things put a kink in plan though: one of them crashed -with no casualties- while testing the retro rockets, and Reagan got elected.

Lockheed engineers had decided to strap 30 rockets to each plane, and they would have been used for both landing and then taking off again after the hostages had been rescued. Check out this video of them in action, but forewarned, about a minute and a half in is the video of the crash.

Holy crap right? As a wargame scenario, the idea is a perfect "What if?". Looking at Google maps, the whole thing looks doable.

A standard field is ~110 yds (330 ft) by 70 yds (210 ft), so two C-130s could fit.

I just need to figure out which scale to build it in.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Whats this?

So I used to have a blog over on WP called Tanith Magna. It was pretty much dedicated to my WH40K Tanith Imperial Guard -I will never call them Astra Militarum- army. I pretty much bought as many sets of Tanith minis (vice individual mini's) from ebay back in 2009 to 2011, as I could get my grubby mitts on. Right afterwards, the cost of those mini's went up too, so I might have had a hand in that. Sorry to anyone looking for them nowadays about the cost!

Seeing as I used to wargame as much as I played RPGs -probably more truth told-, I always thought about having another blog for it to compliment the RPG one. Never really did anything with it because of the WP one. But now that I have time on my hands, I figured no time like the present. So I copy/pasted the blog entries over (with the correct dates).

Adding fuel to this fire is GW putting out Kill Team as a stand alone set from 40K, that uses the same minis for the most part. I picked up the starter, another set of the minis, two Sector sets (so far) -Mechanicus and Wall of Martyrs-, and the Tau starter box (to add more Wall pieces to what I had). The upcoming releases for it are looking awesome. They even released Gaunt's Ghosts and Schaffer's Last Chancers cards (with a purchase of the mini sets) at the Kill Team Open last year. Thankfully people shared the cards online after the fact, because the secondary market is already nasty.

In addition to the Ghosts, I also have the following armies:

Warhammer 40000
  • Dark Angels 1st Company "Deathwing" - Literally a full company
  • Dark Angels 2nd Company "Ravenwing" - Same
  • Dark Angels 5th Company - Same; I've kinda of been a DA fan since 4th Ed
  • Bran Red Maws Great Company - Less Wulfen than fluff says and more Thunder Wolves
  • Stormtrooper Company -The old Inquisitional ones
  • Elysian Droptroopers - The old Forge World ones, with Valkyries (couple are resin too!)
I have assorted 30K marines, Death Guard, Deathwatch, Primaris Marines, Skitarii, Genestealers, and two Knight Titans from the various starters too. I plan on getting my hands on copies of Forgebane and Wake the Dead too, so they'll be around at some point.

Warhammer Fantasy (NOT Age of Sigmar) 

Just alot of Dwarves. Never did like how GW rebooted things, but its their game. I'll probably never get to play them again, but I will finish painting them just because. 

  • Circle Orboros
  • Convergence of Cyriss
Relic Knights

Just a double set of Black Diamond minis. I've never actually gotten around to playing, I just wanted the minis. Their pretty cool anime styled sci-fi troopers.

Flames of War
  • Early War German Parachute Pioneers
  • Mid War US Paratroopers (in Africa)
  • Early/Mid War Finnish Army
  • Mid War US Mech Infantry
  • Mid/Late German Panzer Division (Mix of Panzers and Panzergrenadiers)
  • Mid War LRDG-SAS 
  • Mid/Late War 1st Special Service Force
  • Some others that escape me atm... Their 15mm scale, who knows what else I might have bought, because their all in a box together.
French and Indian War
  • Rogers Rangers
  • Mixed British troops
  • British allied Indians
  • Mixed French troops
  • French allied Indians
Yeah I have a bit of plastic crack problem.

On top of all this I have several actual wargames from Avalon Hill, the Honor Harrington ship game from years back, a wide mix of 1 Ed X-Wing minis, the starter for Star Wars Armada, and Heroes of Black Reach.

Well Thats more than I had intended to type, so I'll call it here.